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Recommended Articles- December 19

Updated: Dec 26, 2018

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This week, we’ve found some great articles, and we’d love to share them with our members.


“A To-Do List for the Surviving Spouse” by Susan B. Garland. This article is similar to our widowed checklist, and provides some guidance on what needs to be done (or, what should be actively avoided) following bereavement.

“9 Things You Need to Know About Widows” by Gaye Clark. This article gives you some insight into the experience of a widow, to help you understand and offer support.

Stories & Narratives

Beneficiary” by Kelley Lynn talks about the triggers for grief & anxiety, like “prep words” that come before death.

“Young and Widowed: One woman shares her heartbreaking story of being widowed twice over” by The Good Housekeeping Webteam tells the story of a woman who lost two husbands over the course of her life.

“Married once, widowed twice” by Carol Levine. This article tells the story of a woman who lost her husband twice; once to a devastating brain-stem injury, and again when he passed away.

“About Time” by Benjamin Brooks-Dutton offers encouragement and empowers readers to move forward following loss.

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