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Widow Care members can access our peer support groups, social meetups, mentorship programs, in-home volunteer assistance programs & more. Membership is completely free and requires no obligations. Gain access to select free, members-only events by signing up below. Join today!

Member services

Widow Care offers a variety of programs, services & educational content to help widowed persons of all ages (and their families) to find support. No matter what stage of grief you're experiencing, we aim to offer a variety of outlets to discuss grief, resources to help with post-bereavement responsibilities & support networks to aid in overcoming challenges. Discover how Widow Care can help you today by reading more below.




Services for Widowed Persons


  • Widow(er) Social Meetups

    • Our social meetups are for widows and widowers living in the DC metropolitan area, who are interested in meeting with others that truly understand what they’re going through. The events are open to newly or long term widowed people of all ages who are looking for others to spend time with. The events are held at local establishments in Montgomery County and the surrounding DC metropolitan area. These events provide an informal environment for widowed persons to meet and enjoy fun activities, delicious food & other events, in the company of other people who understand their grief. While our support groups exclusively focus on conversations relating to widowhood, these social events allow people to talk about their lives, explore new hobbies & “hang out”.


  • Monthly Peer Support Groups

    • These events provide an outlet to discuss the grief, heartbreak and challenges of widowhood with other widowed persons. These groups are open to both long-term and recently widowed persons. We have a facilitator on-site, but they are not a trained counselor nor do they provide any mental health advising or guidance. These support groups are much more focused on authentic, organic & genuine discussion about spousal loss rather than facilitated discussion. However, a facilitator is still present to help guide conversation and ensure that members follow the group guidelines. 


  • Widowed Checklist â€‹

    • Our Widowed Checklist offers a list of responsibilities for newly widowed persons to consider. The checklist details necessary tasks that need to be completed following spousal loss--for example, we suggest that newly widowed persons contact their insurance company, cancel recurring subscriptions and look for their late-spouse's passwords/pins following bereavement. This list helps readers to work-through their responsibilities & understand some of the obligations that may not be immediately obvious. While we cannot offer legal or financial advising, we can push you in the right direction of what needs to be done logistically following spousal loss, and who you can contact to help you with professional advising.


  • Widowed Mentorship Program​

    • Our mentorship program offers monthly, one-on-one support (over-the-phone) to widows and widowers in our community. We partner members with mentors who volunteer a minimum of 1 hour per month to discuss grief. This is not a counseling or a mental health program, and instead, our mentorship program really offers an outlet for callers to talk through their emotions, figure out how to overcome their unique challenges, and speak about their personal experiences with widowhood.  
      Many people feel like they “burden” their family/friends by talking about their late-spouse, and this guilt or discomfort causes people to isolate themselves and hold-in their emotions. No one should ever feel like they have to go through their loss alone. Our volunteers will work with your schedule and call you each month to discuss your loss and offer assistance in navigating our website & widowed checklist. 


  • Care Drivers Program

    • This program will be re-launched mid-2019. Our Care Drivers Program offers personalized in-home assistance and donated services to widowed persons living in the DC metropolitan area. We partner volunteers with widowed persons in the community who request assistance with household chores that their spouse used to help with, like lawn care, handyman services and home organization. With this program, members can call us and request that volunteers come to their homes. We try to honor all requests, but we may not be able to accommodate your request based on the availability of volunteers and other limitations. 


  • Digital Groups

    • We offer​ online connections via our private and public Facebook groups. Our private group allows members to discuss their grief online with other local widowed persons. If you aren't comfortable coming to an in-person event but would still like to be a part of the community, this is a great way to get involved. Our public Facebook group is a great source of content & information about programs, educational seminars & more.


  • Education

    • Both our blog and educational seminars offer information & education regarding issues that widows and widowers face. Areas of focus include financial planning, understanding social security & more. â€‹â€‹


  • Blog

    • Our blog posts offer a mixture of educational & grief articles submitted by local widowed members. Reading others' stories can help create a sense of community, and some members report that these poems/narratives/articles help them to feel less alone because they've experienced similar situations & feelings.





Family of Widowed Members 


  • Online Blog Content

    • Read our articles to learn how to help your loved one grieve, what to say & not to say to widowed persons, and more.



Recently Widowed
Family Widowed
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795 Rockville Pike,

Rockville, MD 20852



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a 501(c)(3) nonprofit - Registered Charity Number : 46-3819215


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